International Conference on Semiconductor Materials and Optics

18-21 October 2007
National Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw, Poland

Please note the new location.

Conference Chair:
Prof. Mauro F. Pereira
Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Conference Secretary:
Dr. Tim Schmielau
Sheffield Hallam University, UK

SMMO 2007 Local Chair:
Prof. Marian Marciniak
National Institute of Telecommunications,
Warsaw, Poland

Organizing Committee:
Andrzej Hildebrandt
Ewa Kapusciarek
Marian Marciniak
Mauro F. Pereira
Tim Schmielau
Mariusz Zdanowicz

Scientific Committee:
Marian Marciniak
Mauro F. Pereira
Tim Schmielau

Thank you!

A big thank you to all speakers, attendents, and everybody who made SMMO 2007 a success. Very special thanks go to Marian Marciniak, his team and the National Institute of Telecommunications for being excellent hosts!

Travel directions:

Directions for travelling to Hotel Felix and the conference venue in Warsaw are given on a separate page.

Abstract submission deadline: July 31, 2007.

Post-deadline submissions will be considered until September 30, 2007, however we strongly encourage submission as early as possible.


Invited Speakers:


The conference programme is now online.


Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Please prepare your abstract using one of the following templates: More detailed instructions are provided in the template files. Please submit your abstract to until July 31, 2007.

Registration Fee: 100 EUR

A discounted fee of 15 EUR applies to participants from developing nations or from the former Soviet Union.


Delegates are responsible for their hotel booking. A list of recommended hotels can be found on the website. The Organizing Commmittee would also be happy to assist with booking if requested.

Please contact for further information.